Saturday 19 May 2012

The new vision

In adjustment to abode those limitations, a “new eyes for AGRIS” has been beneath plan back 2000. In 2009, AGRIS adhered to Coherence in Advice for Agronomical Analysis for Development (CIARD), a all-around action of all-embracing accomplice organizations (such as, DFID, CIARD, GFAR, etc.)10 committed to alive to admission the accessible allowances anticipation from investment in agronomical analysis and addition for development.11

The basal assumption aggregate by CIARD's stakeholders,12 which FAO is accidental to with its AGRIS portal, is that, advice is to be fabricated about "available", "accessible" and, "applicable".13 At the aforementioned time, all of CIARD stakeholders appropriately admit the charge to account the roles of national, bounded and all-embracing institutions, whilst adjustment their efforts to advance bigger interlinked advice collections and services.14

Currently, AGRIS continues its analysis into convalescent admission to science technology and agronomical advice globally accessible on the web, beneath the CIARD umbrella.

editAccessibility of the new AGRIS

While AGRIS is appetite to accumulate beside of the technology available, added ability accessibility may be articular as one of the amount objectives of the new AGRIS.

According to the new vision, the AGRIS seek engine should be able to retrieve and adapt a abundance of assorted advice sources including full-text documents, accoutrement from altercation fora, blog entries, account articles, and organizational, regional, national, all-embracing advice (re)sources. Partnerships with accustomed seek engine technology leaders such as Google, Yahoo or Scirus will be explored in adjustment to accommodate customized seek capabilities.

editThe new AGRIS beneath the CIARD umbrella

Falling beneath the awning of CIARD,15 a collective action co-led by the CGIAR,16 GFAR17 and FAO, the new AGRIS aims to advance the administration and administration of agronomical science and technology advice through the use of accepted standards and methodologies. These will absorb Web 2.0 features, in adjustment to accomplish the seek acquaintance as comprehensive, automatic and extensive as accessible for users of the new AGRIS.

Furthermore, the new AGRIS will aswell advantage the abstracts and basement of one of CIARD's projects: the CIARD RING. An acronym continuing for Routemap to Advice Nodes and Gateways (RING), the CIARD RING activity is led by GFAR and it aims to:

give an overview of the accepted action of advice casework in ARD; as able-bodied as

support those who wish to apparatus new services.

A agenda of ARD (Agricultural Analysis for Development) advice casework will acquiesce the monitoring, anecdotic and classifying of absolute services, whilst benchmarking them adjoin interoperability criteria, to ensure for best beat and all-around availability.

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