Saturday 19 May 2012

The AGRIS repository

AGRIS covers the advanced ambit of capacity accompanying to agriculture, including forestry, beastly husbandry, amphibian sciences and fisheries, animal nutrition, and extension. Its agreeable includes different blah abstract such as abstruse accurate and abstruse reports, theses, appointment papers, government publications, and more. A growing amount (around 20%) of bibliographical annal accept a agnate abounding argument certificate on the web which can calmly be retrieved by Google.

Access to the AGRIS Athenaeum is provided through the AGRIS Seek Engine. As such, it:

enables retrieval of bibliographic annal independent in the AGRIS Repository,

allows users to accomplish either full-text or fielded, parametric and assisted queries.

The AGRIS athenaeum exploits the advantages of both accessible antecedent seek seek belvedere (Solr), and structured XML. It facilitates the barter of advice a part of developing countries and amid developing and developed countries. Furthermore, it contains annal from civic journals - abnormally from developing countries that are not consistently represented in bartering indexing services.

The AGRIS ally accidental to the AGRIS Database use several formats for exchanging data, including simple DC, from OAI-PMH systems. The AGRIS AP architecture is anyhow adopted anon by:

Open Archive Initiative (OAI) partners: Scielo, Viikki Science Library

BIBSYS, Norway, Civic Library of Portugal, Prod-Inra France, Wageningen UR Library.

National networks: NARIMS in Egypt, PhilAgriNet in Philippines, KAINet in Kenya, Thailand NAC, GAINS in Ghana.

National institutional repositories: Russia, Belarus, Uruguay, Spain, Iran.

Information account providers: Wolters Kluwer, NISC, CGIAR, AgNIC, GFIS.

Database systems/tools: AgriOceanDspace, NewGenlib, WebAGRIS, NERAKIN, AgriDrupal.

editSearching for agenda resources

For added advice on this topic, see: Agenda library

AGRIS aims to ensure that the assets independent in repositories amid in several regions be accessible to the accepted user, with few restrictions, in accordance with the goals of accessible access. However, abounding of these assets run the accident of axis into abysmal web or airy web resources, back they frequently cannot be amid by seek engine crawlers.2 As is the case with some agenda libraries, area appropriate pages or sitemaps are created to acquiesce seek engines to acquisition all of their resources, AGRIS uses the Accessible Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting to retrieve metadata and "expose" contrarily airy web assets to the AGRIS seek engines. A agnate action is adopted for instance by Google Scholar, Yahoo! and Scirus seek engines.

Unlike acceptable assets that affectation accumulator amplitude limits, agenda assets accept the broadly accustomed advantage of authoritative accessible to users a huge array of assets of generally assorted nature.Project Gutenberg, Google Book Search, Windows Live Seek Books(shutdown), Internet Archive, Cornell University, The Library of Congress World Agenda Library, The Agenda Library at the University of Michigan, and Carnegie Mellon University's Million Book Project are advised leaders in the acreage of agenda library conception and management.

editData indexing in AGRIS: the AGROVOC thesaurus

For added advice on this topic, see: AGROVOC

In acceptable libraries, award works of absorption is anon accompanying to how able-bodied they are cataloged. However, circuitous and born-digital works crave essentially added effort.3

AGROVOC is a absolute multilingual agronomics thesaurus4 that was developed with the cooperation of FAO affiliate countries. It is acclimated for indexing abstracts in agronomical advice systems and it strives for connected advance and updating. The aboriginal adaptation of AGROVOC was produced in 1982 and broadcast to all AGRIS centres.3

Vocabulary afterlight is done by FAO in accord with civic AGRIS centres.5 Staff at the centres adduce new agreement for the database to FAO accountable specialists for consideration. The agreement called by the experts are added into AGROVOC. In the past, an AGROVOC supplement was again appear and provided to the centres. Now the adapted AGROVOC is accessible online. The proposing of new agreement and corrections aswell can be done through the FAO/AGROVOC web site.6

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